Tuesday, October 23, 2007

thoughts in my head. breastfeeding. organic. ect

Ive been thinking a lot lately about starting my own business from home, which will include,. reselling of my kids cloths that have only been worn once or not at all. Also i will want to eventually sell only organic cloths and baby body products. I really want to educate people on eating organic and using organic and natural products. I also really want to educate moms of the benefits of breastfeeding, and how important it is to use natural products and give your breast milk. So many kids these days, have stomach problems,and skin rashes. and moms are constantly stumped at why this is happening to their child and what they can do to change it. what they don't think to realize is that formula is NOT MEANT FOR YOUR BABY!!! Breast milk is. And a lot of the products that we put on our children have very harmful chemicals in them, and we are putting them on our children's bodies!!!!! I want to start to educate people what these chemicals are, and what products to use as an alternative.

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